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Our names are Siobhan Gannon and Eryk White, and we are 4th Year 3D animation students at RIT.  It's officially time for us to step into the limelight as we create our capstone film. Our story follows a game show host who savors every moment he spends on stage of the hit game show "Guess Who's Knockin?". He prances on stage in the glory of applause and blinding lights. However, upon realizing the show he once loved is now off air, the host must decide if he will return to reality or continue living in his fantasy world in the limelight.


Albus Dumbledore once said, "It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live." Our film follows this theme of living in the moment without letting the past hold you back. As we come to the conclusion of our time at RIT, we will also address this conflict of leaving a place filled with joy and memories. We hope others will be able to relate to this theme and understand the importance of living life in the present.


We will both be utilizing this blog to post updates of our work throughout the project. Siobhan will be responsible for character design/modeling/rigging, animation, and scripting. Eryk will be responsible for environments, audio, lighting, and rendering. The rest of the responsibilities will be shared between us with weekly meetings and constant communication to keep us up to date.

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